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As I'm still in the MFA program at Central, today I had a remote sharing with the other MFA ATP (Advanced Theatre Practice) students to connect on our progress with our SIPs (Sustained Independent Projects).

It's the first time I've pitched Tour de Farce to a group and, not only did it go over well, they gave me loads of incredibly helpful feedback to help develop the project more and make it a more rich experience for audiences.

The first thing I did was pitch the dilemma I am having about if the show should exist for people to do online or if they should have to go to the museum to experience it. Not only did they wholeheartedly think it should be on site, they encouraged me to utilize the space more. So far I have been focusing on the paintings but they suggested I do things like address the listener to sit on a certain bench, note a pillar, or look a certain direction. I love that idea and it gives me the chance to make the experience much more interactive with the audience. I'm excited to write the script for that, though it may mean me waiting until February when I'm back in London to be there and find that specific inspiration.

The other thing they suggested that I love is that the show start off seriously and descend into ridiculousness. That way it mocks the form of the traditional audio tour and further deconstructs expectations. How much fun it will be to sound official and straightforward and let it all devolve. In addition, I could have some bonus pieces, (that could be applicable for any museum I end up doing) like "How to look like an art critic."

So many new ideas!

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